Tuesday, November 29, 2011

White-Tailed Deer

SO, for this journal entry I had drawn a picture of deer I had seen a couple days ago. However, my scanner has decided not to work and the scanned picture I have of it isn't able to be put on here. Instead, I'll just tell you what I saw.

I now work at a stable that is in East Fort Myers, a little past CREW if you know where that is. I have to be there at 7 am, which is also when a lot of wildlife is out. As I was driving, I saw a doe with her 2 fawns. They were just grazing on the side of the road where right behind them is a large, open field. I was inspired to draw them because they were just so beautiful and calming. One of the fawns was just laying down taking a nap while the other was exploring(I drove slow so I could watch them for a little bit). I just hope that with all the building going on in Florida, we don't loose the deer. Although there are a lot of them, they are very important to the habitats they live in because they provide food and they create fertilizer, which helps the plants grow. They are such an important part of the Florida wilderness and I always love it when I get to see even one of them.

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