1. To support my lifestyle it would take...4.9 Planet Earths to provide enough resources
2. To support my lifestyle it already takes...23.9 acres
I am so taken aback because I consider myself a "green person". I use cloth bags to go grocery shopping instead of having to use plastic. I reclcyle and use a composte so I don't waste a lot. I didn't realize how much of an impact it is to just eat animal products, or to just drive my car.
I clicked to see what I could do to lessen my footprint, and one of the things was to cut my the meat I eat in half. If every American did this, 645 million global acres less than we do now. AND if I pledged to take public transportation one day a week, along with every other American, than we would save another 352 global acres. Of course, there isn't much public transportation in this area so that would be a little difficult for me to work on.
There are somet things I am going to work on, like trying to carpool to work or school more often. I am also going to try to eat less meat than I do now. This quiz was a real eye opener and now I am going to try my best to lessen my ecologocal footprint. (Photo at right courtesy of petroedge-sd.net)
(Photo courtesy of mapawatt.com)
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